What to Know Before your Massage Appointment


Did your friend or family member finally convince you to get a massage? By now you probably know about all the benefits of getting a massage, from stress relief to pain relief, but you still may be a bit nervous before you go in for your first massage appointment. Whether you’ve never had a massage, you’re getting your first couples massage, or you’re adding a massage to a long list of spa treatments at a new spa, these tips will help you maintain good massage etiquette and feel comfortable at your appointment.

Before the Massage

Before your massage, you will want to prepare yourself. Make sure you are well-hydrated so that you have soft muscles that are easy to manipulate. If you’re dehydrated, your muscles may become rigid. You may also want to get a good workout in before your massage because it will warm up your muscles. If you don’t feel like a workout beforehand, you could also take a nice warm shower to both relax your mind and body. At The Spa On Phillips, we have steam rooms and float tanks that would also help loosen up your muscles before the massage. Please ask about these services when booking your massage. The less tense you are going into the appointment, the more benefits you will receive. Of course, it helps that taking a shower before your massage will get you nice and clean, too, which make help with any nerves you’re feeling about your body. Either way, make sure you are clean for your appointment; it will be much appreciated. Have a light meal or snack before the appointment but try to avoid a large meal that will make you feel full and uncomfortable.

Undress to your Comfort Level

You may be feeling uneasy about undressing, and that’s okay! You don’t have to be completely naked if you don’t feel comfortable. Remember that your massage therapist will keep you covered with a sheet so that you aren’t exposed, and they are trained professionals who do this every day. Also keep in mind that items of clothing could get in the way of your massage therapist reaching certain pressure points or knots.

Speak Up

If it hurts, say something. You should not be in pain during your massage. Similarly, if the strokes and pressure are too light, you should also say something. Your massage therapist wants you to feel the full benefits of the massage, but they can’t read your mind. It’s up to you to tell them if you’re uncomfortable or you’d like them to focus on another spot. If you can, choose your massage style preference before your massage so that you are matched up with a therapist that specializes in that type of massage.

Bodily Functions Happen

Our bodies make noises; it’s unavoidable. If you flatulate or your stomach grumbles, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Politely excuse yourself and move on with the appointment. And if you suddenly have to use the bathroom? That’s okay, too. Just ask!  

After the Appointment

When your appointment is over, drink a lot of water to rehydrate your muscles and help to remove the metabolic wastes that built up as your muscles were massaged. Skip caffeinated beverages that can cause your muscles tense up. Avoid working out right after, as you’ve just relaxed your muscles and you could risk an injury. Let your body rest and recover. And if you’re feeling any soreness, it’s okay to use some ice, do some light stretching, or even take some ibuprofen.


If it’s time to book your first massage, our massage therapy team at The Spa on Phillips is happy to help! Visit us for a massage and we will ensure you leave feeling relaxed.



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